The Ever-Loving Virgin Prince
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Your Cue To Exit
Since I wrote my last post relating to you, you’ve checked my page no less than five times, both from your work and your home. I’m going to forgo the obvious route of asking the question of who’s really obsessed, and simply assume that you’re not going to honor my request for some peace and privacy. No doubt you’ll be reading this again some time after 1:00 PM as seems to be your custom, and now on top of that I’ve got your friends coming here too. I don’t know who your buddy is at the University of British Columbia, but quite frankly, this is getting a little creepy.
I don’t want to attack you here; I really want that to be all over. I am not proud in the least of having gotten re-involved in this feud with you over the past few days, and rather embarrassed that evidence of such a thing takes up space here. What I want to do is explain a thing or two and make one last request for some space.
When I asked you to stop visiting my site and to leave me alone, there was an implied but unsaid message that I would leave you alone and stop reading your page as well. The only reason I didn’t actually write it was because I didn’t want to feel like a hypocrite if at some point I got curious and checked on your page again, similar to how you always came back to reading my page after every time you said you’d stop reading it. I’ve been good on this matter and not checked on your page since. But please do stop coming here and reading what I write because it clearly isn’t good for you, and that, in turn, has an adverse effect on me.
Experience has shown me that you invariably take everything I write and somehow reinterpret it as an attack on yourself. I can’t write about my history, or the girls I’ve been involved with, or even admit to a single failing without you somehow taking it as a swipe at you. You consistently end up getting worked up over everything I write and then making your own subtle jabs at me. If I see this, I then get annoyed myself and the whole cycle increases in spite and viciousness and I’m sure you can see how this isn’t good for either of us.
In the hopes of ending this all I won’t be reading your page at all anymore if I can avoid it, and I’m also going to go out of my way to try to not mention you in any way, shape, or form, though I’m sure this will be hard at points as for at least a year and a half you were a very major part of my life, as I’m sure is generally the case with most males who at one point found themselves thinking they’d met the girl they were going to marry. But I am willing to do this because all this spite and hate and anger have really gotten quite tiring and annoying to me and I am further very bothered by the impact this has on our shared friends.
And yes, you are entirely right, I did at one time join you in your attacks on your friend Cat, but let’s be honest, I never got nearly as involved in it as you. I don’t think I made more than five rude comments to her site, and I grew tired of reading her page entirely fairly quickly. But yes, I did have my part in it and I regret that. It took me far too long to realize that she too was a person and that I had no right to be teasing her as I did. I did a lot of stupid things that I still regret back when I was with you, such as my part in the scene you caused at the Canuck’s party. Or perhaps I instigated it. I’m not going to make excuses for my behavior, or say that you influenced me, because the fact is that I played my part in it and that’s bad enough. I have regrets to last me a lifetime.
Before I end this, I simply want to make clear to you why I got as angry as I did and wrote what I wrote in response to your obvious attack on me. You’d made such statements before, but the way in which you unleashed this one particularly offended me. Why? Well I’m going to have to take a page from your book and do some cut and paste in order to fully illustrate my point, but I think you’ll understand.
First off, I was aware that your buddy Cat had finally somehow figured you out. I’m guessing that Google was the culprit that sold you out this time too, though I wouldn’t be surprised if in your mind you believed I had something to do with it, because it wouldn’t be that far from the sort of paranoia I’ve seen you exhibit in the past. Anyway, I saw your little comment exchange between the two of you on your page and I have to admit, I thought she showed a whole lot more maturity in the matter than yourself. As is not surprising, I suppose she was pretty hurt because I eventually came upon the post she wrote in response to your behavior, and found that she tore you up pretty good, and I must admit I thought she hammered the nail pretty much right on the head with that one. Clearly you saw what she wrote too, maybe you’d never stopped checking on her page, and you must have been pretty hurt and angry.
Now I figured at this point there were three things that you would logically do (listed in order of likeliness): 1. respond in kind with another attack on her, 2. ignore it and move on, 3. take responsibility for your behavior, and possibly even apologize. What completely caught me off-guard however, was that you responded instead with a fourth option. You attacked me instead and redirected all blame and claims of inappropriate behavior in my direction. I suppose I should have expected it, you’ve always had a magician’s skill in terms of prestidigitation.
You responded directly to your former friend’s post, writing,
"Obsessed" isn't the correct terminology. More like "grotesquely amused."
…in regards to her writing,
My childish and stupid Nadya, how you have disappointed me. You have shown your true nature with this foolishness of yours! Three years you have spent reading my blogs and leaving hateful and nameless comments. For three years you have ridiculed me on your own blogs for your silly and childish friends to read. Truly you are a pathetic and sad creature!I do not hate you, dear little troll. In fact, I feel only pity for you and for your life. How sad you must be! How truly miserable you must be to carry such venom with you all this time! This sort of obsession not only speaks of misery but it also speaks of a sort of weak mental state that I cannot imagine.
…but here’s where the slight of hand comes in. You suddenly redirected your post with,
I, in fact, know what obsession is. I wonder how fucking long it's going to take a certain someone to stop, stop, STOP thinking about me, reading about me, mentioning me, dwelling upon me, or just plain caring about anything even remotely connected to me whatsoever. This person is one of the reasons this blog is going into semi-retirement, because I don't need their probing, judgemental eyes peering into any aspects of my life. I must abandon the familiarity of this web log as an attempt to completely disconnect said individual from me.
…this was brilliant! Suddenly the bad guy in the story was none other than myself! (You did confirm this in your following post.) In one swift movement you had changed the aggressor from yourself to myself, and here all this time I thought I’d just been working on my webpage.
You keenly followed with,
I would put the offer out there to e-mail me if any of you are interested in reading my other blog, or my website, but this person will absolutely concoct a shwag e-mail address and identity in the hopes of obtaining my URL, so sadly, I cannot do this. There's always someone just ruining it for everyone else, isn't there?
The irony wasn’t lost on me that you were now describing exactly what you’d done when your friend Cat ditched her old blog site in order to get away from you.
Wow! Clever, huh? It gets even better, you nearly quoted Cat verbatim several times in your follow-up attacks on me.
My childish and stupid Nadya, how you have disappointed me. You have shown your true nature with this foolishness of yours! Three years you have spent reading my blogs and leaving hateful and nameless comments. For three years you have ridiculed me on your own blogs for your silly and childish friends to read. Truly you are a pathetic and sad creature!
Well, J___ (oh, for all interested parties, the "obsessed" individual I mentioned in my previous post happens to be a guy named J___ from my distant past; after he read that post, he revealed his authentic, malevolent nature and wrote a sort of scabrous, scathing attack on my character full of non-truths and paranoid ramblings, which he subsequently posted on his own little blog)...
How sad you must be! How truly miserable you must be to carry such venom with you all this time! This sort of obsession not only speaks of misery but it also speaks of a sort of weak mental state that I cannot imagine.
I think you might legitimately need some therapy. Not only are you unable to see anything with any shading or degree of acuracy, but worst of all, it must hurt to carry around the sort of hate you feel, the sort of venom you insist on coddling within you, that only seems to keep swelling and swelling and swelling.
My dear little troll, you laugh at my sad and pathetic life while you bitch and moan about how yet another man ignores your drunken advances. You have wasted three years of your life hating a person who never gave you a moment’s thought - over a person who found your alcohol and pill addictions to be beneath her!
I emit a long, low whistle at that one. You just wrote a letter to someone who stopped caring about your hatred of her long ago, but caring enough to reply, because knowing that polluted individuals such as yourself are tainting humanity, further adding to its escalating indignity, saddens and alarms me. Go get help.
Now I don’t want to call you unoriginal, but the coincidences are astounding.
Anyway, that’s why I got as mad as I did. Here I was, doing nothing to you and suddenly was the whipping boy for a crime you’d committed. Rather than take any responsibility for what you’d done, you turned the attack towards me. For what? For recently humbly admitting you’d been right about a thing or two when you spent 45 minutes of our very last phone conversation together listing my every fault and failing, and generally otherwise bitching me out?
What you did was the absolute height of remorseless, petty, conscience-free, childish immaturity. Can you understand why I was angry?
I see that you or one of your buddies has just checked my page again as I wrote this, just as I knew would happen. This is why it’s imperative that I say once more what I came here to say. Stop coming here! Stop reading here! You are not welcome here! I will not read your page! I will leave you alone! What is going on here between us is absolutely unhealthy, so go your way, I’ll go mine, and hopefully from this point each one of us will be completely forgotten to the other. I am tired of this. Respect my space and my privacy and I will do the same for you.
The Virgin Prince