The Ever-Loving Virgin Prince

Being the adventures of a hard-drinking, chain-smoking, dashing man about town, aspiring gonzo-journalist and mystery-man.
The Web TheVirginPrince.Blogspot

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

It's Not Art The Way You Do It

Illin’ homies,

Here I am, finding myself very close to reaching 2000 hits on the old BlogPatrol counter. I had hoped I would reach 2000 before the month of February had ended, but I was about 20 shy. No matter, 2000 hits by BlogPatrol standards is quite an accomplishment; 2000 hits on BlogPatrol is probably worth about 4000 hits on SiteMeter. Sweet!

I’ve been noticing I’ve been getting a lot of repeat traffic, yet I have no idea who most of you are. If you wouldn’t mind satisfying the ravenous curiosity of a mild-mannered mystery-man, please do leave a comment on the end of this post. Give me a shout out, state your name, your intentions, and let me know you’re reading. I’m counting on all my fellow members of the Genius Society of America to let their voices be heard, especially you, Foxy Valentino! So leave a comment, it won’t hurt none, and it’ll give you a chance to check out my newly tricked-out and modified comments box. Ex-girlfriends need not leave comments (vile harlots, all!).

You know what I’ve found keeps luring utter strangers to my humble webpage? The search engines keep referring people looking for “Bjorgen nude” to my webpage. Seriously. I’ve had like 20 different hits from different people (particularly in Europe) looking for nude images of “Bjorgen” over the past month or two. Oh, escaped boy-servant/slave, what has become of you? Just what foul business have you found yourself involved in?

You may have noticed the site is in a constant state of change. I’ve installed around 15 different templates since yesterday morning. I’m ever the perfectionist, and I’ll probably keep changing my site still until I find something I’m satisfied with. I’m rather tired tonight, and I think I’ll be off to bed soon, so I suppose that means I’ll work on leaving you all a nice meaty post tomorrow. Never fear, you’ll soon be thrilled and titillated with the tales of dangers I’ve faced while lurking outside Lindsay Lohan’s window. Ta ta!

Be seeing you,
The Virgin Prince
The Virgin Prince, 3:09 AM
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